About us
We, brother and sister, grew up in Vlaardingen, the city where the dutch 'ijzercookies' originally come from. As a result, we were raised with this cookies from a young age. We would like to share our love for these cookies with you.
How nice is it to make someone else happy with an unexpected gift? And then also in a cool packaging and through the mail. The idea of "cookiesdoordebus" was born. An original, tasty and surprising gift, in a sustainable way. You can read how we deal with sustainability here.
Hoewel relatief onbekend zijn ijzercookies zeker niet minder oud. Men dacht lang dat Daantje de Koe(k) (1835-1915) aan de wieg stond van het ijzerkoekje. Zij had in 1865 al een winkel in Vlaardingen waar ze de lekkernijen verkocht. Frank Hazenberg deed echter onderzoek en kwam tot de ontdekking dat dat lariecookie was. In de 18e eeuw werden ze al gebakken en gingen met de vissers mee de zee op. Je kan ijzerkoekjes namelijk lang bewaren en ze zijn ook erg voedzaam. Maar wees gerust, onze cookies zijn vers gebakken! En ongelofelijk lekker natuurlijk.

Although relatively unknown, dutch 'ijzerkoekjes' are certainly no less old. For a long time it was thought that Daantje de Koe (1835-1915) was the founder of the 'ijzercookie'. In 1865 she already had a shop in Vlaardingen where she sold the delicacies. Frank Hazenberg, however, did some research and discovered that that was not true. They were baked in the 18th century and went out to sea with the fishermen. You can keep 'ijzercookies' for a long time and they are also very nutritious. But rest assured, our cookies are freshly baked!
'IJzercookies' are made from flour, caster sugar, butter and spices. There is no fixed recipe. We know from experience that every baker has its own unique variant. However, they are all oval and with their characteristic print.
We always think giving presents is more fun than receiving them. So order Cookies door de bus for your girlfriend, grandmother, colleague or father and you'll make someone's day a bit better right away!

Fresh, unique cookies | delivered by mail